Meet The Owner

From Dora Bell,

Hey Family ✨ 

I’m happy spirit guided us to cross paths, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dora Bell, I am a mother before anything,  I’m a devotee of Lucumi/ Santeria, I’m a diviner and spiritualist! I call myself a student of life and as I’m blessed with knowledge I love to educate others. 

I started Omi TuTu LLC, to help others find a safe place to learn and grow a strong spiritual foundation. I believe if you’re going to be in these spiritual streets you should learn how to Cleanse, Protect and Divine for yourself. I believe the root of all magic comes from the blessings of our ancestors. I love to help others developing a connection with their ancestry power.

Omi TuTu is a cafe where the only thing on the menu is knowledge and self elevation!I curate events to feed the mind, body and soul. I educate you on all the spiritual tools in my shop and offer one on one classes. 

As a business owner, I need all my customers and client to understand I’m a spiritualist first. I reserve the right to refuse service to whom I please. My boss is spirit and I move on my own divine timing but trust I move with the intention to please all my clients and customers.